Your Self and Your Health: Yin Water (Gui) People
Regardless of our intelligence, wealth, looks and capabilities
– we are all bound to a body. Some believe that the body is our primary
limitation, but our bodies are instruments for grounding our souls. Chinese
Astrology views the body as an interaction between the Five Elements.
These essential Elements form the constitution, determining physical strengths and weaknesses – and how we can find out ways to improve our knowledge and make a healthier lifestyle depending on the Element that the individual belongs to.
These essential Elements form the constitution, determining physical strengths and weaknesses – and how we can find out ways to improve our knowledge and make a healthier lifestyle depending on the Element that the individual belongs to.
In the conclusion of our exploration of the Elemental Selves,
we conclude with the Gui Self.
(Want to learn more about Gui
people? Just follow the link:
The meridian that
influences the Gui Self is the Kidneys.
The Kidneys filter waste metabolites from
the blood and control the fluids in the body. In TCM (What’s that?) the Kidneys
are to store the body’s essential energy, taking charge of the sexual and
reproductive functions.
This meridian represents an individual’s
courage, endurance, and willpower. When it is healthy, the Kidneys cause a
person to be perceptive, focused and wise. On the other hand, if the Kidneys
are imbalanced – they can produce an adverse effect on willpower and short-term
memory that induces fear and slow building paranoia.
Energetic disturbances in the Kidney
meridian can involve criticism, disappointment, bad memory, a decrease in
strength and endurance, shame and childish reactions.
Health advice for
Strengthen your Kidneys with bone broth.
• Work out regularly, e.g., walking, running
or cycling.
• Take time out in nature.
• Consume kidney beans, eggs, ginger,
zucchini, cucumber, watermelon, vegetable soups, black sesame, walnuts, and
• Do Cupping or Moxa therapy to improve circulation.
* Learn more about your astrology
charts in Althea’s book A Course in
Chinese Astrology – Get your copy today!
* Find out more about Chinese Astrology 2018 on
* Calculate your Ba Zi astrology chart (free):