Your Self and Your Heath: Yin Fire (Ding) People

Both Chinese Astrology and Chinese Medicine are both based on the Five Elements. These Five Elements rule the five zang and fu organs along with the twelve energy meridians, which stand for different physical and emotional disturbances in your body. 

Being in touch with your Self helps you pinpoint the critical aspects of your health and introduce ways to try and balance any disturbances.

This time, the focus of this post is on the Ding Self. 

(Want to learn more about Ding people? Just follow the link:

Your meridian is housed in the Heart.

The Heart is the origin of the spirit and the control panel for the emotions. When it is strong, the person can control their emotions. However, when the heart is weak – that is when emotions can run rampant.

The Heart is in charge of long-term memory, thinking, intimacy, intelligence, and cognition. Energetic disturbing instances in the Heart meridian often are the following: excessive laughing and talking, lack of joyfulness, long-standing emotional issues, and even feeling unable to give or receive forms of intimacy. 

The Heart also is the vital organ that pumps blood around the body and physical signs of imbalance are heart palpitations, increased blood pressure and sleep disturbances.

Health advice for Ding:

•    Take time to start – or continue – a hobby you’re interested in

•    Connect with loved ones and bond

•    Visit places like galleries, museums to enjoy your surroundings

•    Increase your red-colored food intake, e.g., strawberries, raspberries, cherries, goji berries, peppers and tomatoes

•    Eat carrots and oranges to boost the immune system.

* Learn more about your astrology charts in Althea’s book A Course in Chinese Astrology – Get your copy today!

* Find out more about Chinese Astrology 2018 on

* Calculate your Ba Zi astrology chart (free):

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