Your Self and Your Health: Yang Fire (Bing) People
Chinese Astrology is rooted in Elemental energies. As we progress through our Chinese Astrology studies, we find out that one’s life is not only about signs, but also about a person’s Self.
The Self
holds the key to understanding the Self’s ruling meridian, and we can start
finding the right tools and advice to improve areas of our health.
previous posts in the series have examined the Wood Selves. The following post
focuses on the Bing Self.
(Want to learn more about Bing
people? Just follow the link:
Your health is under the
influence of the Small Intestine meridian.
The Small Intestine’s primary function to
separate the good from the harmful, to assimilate the purified nutrients and
shove the waste towards the digestive plain to the Large Intestine.
Common symptoms of imbalance in the Small
Intestine are bloating, gassiness, constipation, and diarrhea.
This meridian
influences one’s mental clarity and judgment, running straight to the head,
affecting the pituitary gland that controls the endocrine system, metabolism,
growth, and sexuality.
Energetic disturbances in the Small Intestine meridian
may indicate the following: unease, life
worries/fears, inadequacy, vulnerability, feeling lost or desertion, and an absent
Health advice for
Stick to a regular eating schedule
Rhubarb helps to relieve constipation
Take probiotics, especially during an imbalance
Avoid cold food and drink
• Eat nourishing red-foods (strawberries,
wolf-berries, kidney beans, cherries)
* Learn more about your astrology charts in Althea’s book A Course in Chinese Astrology – Get your
copy today!
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* Calculate your Ba
Zi astrology chart (free):