Your Self and Your Health: Yang Water (Ren) People
Life lessons can come upon us at any time in our lives, some
of which we can learn from our bodies.
Our bodies firmly connect us with the
pure essence of life, as depicting in an ancient Latin phrase is: A healthy
body houses a healthy mind. Our constitution is determined at birth – it makes
some individuals healthy and unaware of their bodies while others can
instinctively pick up on some health issues from time due to being in touch
with their bodies.
In a series of blog posts, we have examined the Self and its
vital link to health. This post focuses on the Ren Self.
(Want to learn more about Ren people? Just follow the link:
The Bladder
meridian influences all Ren people.
The Bladder stores and excretes the fluids
passed down from the kidneys, but it is also closely related to the autonomous
nervous system.
When imbalanced, the Bladder can negatively
affect one’s morals, causing indecisiveness, fear, and misjudgment as well as
bringing out jealousy and suspicion.
Physical imbalances to look out for are
stiff neck back pains, frontal headaches, insomnia or sleep disturbances, high
blood pressure and continually running to the urinals. Energetic disturbances
in the Bladder meridian involve anxiety, harbouring old ideas, inefficiency,
fear of letting go and irritability.
Health advice for
Ren individuals:
Drink plenty of water.
Strengthen the bladder by consuming aniseed, ginger, garlic, leek,
ginseng, walnuts, seaweed and black sesame.
Introduce more greens into your diet, e.g., peas, zucchini, cucumber,
pear, watermelon and vegetable soups.
Calcium-rich foods like milk strengthen bone marrow which also benefits
the Bladder
Treat yourself to a back massage once in a while.
• Do Yoga stretches.
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