
Showing posts from March, 2018

Your Self and Your Health: Yin Water (Gui) People

Regardless of our intelligence, wealth, looks and capabilities – we are all bound to a body. Some believe that the body is our primary limitation, but our bodies are instruments for grounding our souls. Chinese Astrology views the body as an interaction between the Five Elements.  These essential Elements form the constitution, determining physical strengths and weaknesses – and how we can find out ways to improve our knowledge and make a healthier lifestyle depending on the Element that the individual belongs to. In the conclusion of our exploration of the Elemental Selves, we conclude with the Gui Self.  (Want to learn more about Gui people? Just follow the link: ) The meridian that influences the Gui Self is the Kidneys. The Kidneys filter waste metabolites from the blood and control the fluids in the body. In TCM (What’s that?) the Kidneys are to store the body’s ess...

Your Self and Your Health: Yang Water (Ren) People

Life lessons can come upon us at any time in our lives, some of which we can learn from our bodies.  Our bodies firmly connect us with the pure essence of life, as depicting in an ancient Latin phrase is: A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Our constitution is determined at birth – it makes some individuals healthy and unaware of their bodies while others can instinctively pick up on some health issues from time due to being in touch with their bodies. In a series of blog posts, we have examined the Self and its vital link to health. This post focuses on the Ren Self. (Want to learn more about Ren people? Just follow the link: ) The Bladder meridian influences all Ren people. The Bladder stores and excretes the fluids passed down from the kidneys, but it is also closely related to the autonomous nervous system. When imbalanced, the Bladder can negatively affec...

Your Self and Your Health: Yin Metal (Xin) People

Our bodies are the most interesting – and sometimes complicated – mechanisms in the world. Both fragile and strong. Easily broken and a system that is capable of mending itself. They sustain our lives and house the Self within the flesh and muscle.  Learning more about our health is imperative to Chinese Astrology Ba Zi, which teaches us that the Ten Selves each have a meridian organ that can show signs of physical, energetic and emotions imbalances that we can address with improving our lifestyle. In this post, we focus on the Xin Self.  (Want to learn more about Xin people? Just follow the link: ) The Lungs are the ruling meridian of this Self. The lungs control the skin and the blood, a vital part of the body’s overall vitality and immunity. They are located in the seat of Po (this needs to be explained) a corporal soul that regulates self-preservation and ...

Your Health and Your Self: Yang Metal (Geng) People

E very Self is entirely unique, not only for its own traits but also for its influence on person’s health. Ba Zi can help us learn more about our ruling meridian and to identify when imbalances are apparent and act on them accordingly.  This can help stop issues becoming harmful, with the advice and lifestyle tips below. This post in the series focused on the Geng Self.  (Want to learn more about Geng people? Just follow the link: ) The Large Intestine meridian influences Geng individuals. The Large Intestine oversees the transportation of digestive wastes and works jointly with the Lings to control perspiration. When healthy and well-balanced, the Large Intestine aids organizational skills and clarity of thoughts. If imbalances have occurred in the Large Intestine meridian, there is distress, irritability, discourage and depression. Energetic dist...

Your Self and Your Health: Yin Earth (Ji) People

Chinese Astrology is full of life lessons.  By assessing the Five Elements and the Four Pillars system chart, it can affect an individual’s health and well-being significantly. In this post, we focus on the Ji Self. (Want to learn more about Ji people? Just follow the link: ) The Spleen meridian influences Ji individuals. The Spleen controls extraction and the assimilation of nutrients, but it also regulates the quantity and quality of blood pumped around the body and co-ordinates fluids in line with the Kidneys. In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) the Spleen is the center of thoughts, intentions, and memory. When balanced, the Spleen promotes honesty, openness, acceptance, balance and excellent analytical skills. When the Spleen Qi (energy) is weak, a person may suffer from fatigue or anemia. An unbalanced Spleen induces worry, triggering self-doubts, remorse, ...

Your Self and Your Health: Yang Earth (Wu) People

To be able to pursue our dreams and obtain our desired goals we need to be in a state of optimum health. Our bodies are powerful, it can bring us back to our limitations – and our minds at the time. In these current times, our bodies remind us that life is there, and it requires tender care to function at its best. In this series, we’ve focused on the importance of the Ten Selves. This post focuses on the Wu Self.  (Want to learn more about Wu people? Just follow the link: ) Wu individuals are influenced by the Stomach meridian. The Stomach aids the body’s overall energy levels. When the Stomach meridian is balanced, it makes people feel secure and confident. When off-balance, the Stomach meridian can churn with anxiety, mania, hyperactivity, and confusion. Energetic disturbances can involve multiple symptoms from fear of the new, egotistical behavior, despai...

Your Self and Your Heath: Yin Fire (Ding) People

Both Chinese Astrology and Chinese Medicine are both based on the Five Elements. These Five Elements rule the five zang and fu organs along with the twelve energy meridians, which stand for different physical and emotional disturbances in your body.  Being in touch with your Self helps you pinpoint the critical aspects of your health and introduce ways to try and balance any disturbances. This time, the focus of this post is on the Ding Self.  (Want to learn more about Ding people? Just follow the link: ) Your meridian is housed in the Heart. The Heart is the origin of the spirit and the control panel for the emotions. When it is strong, the person can control their emotions. However, when the heart is weak – that is when emotions can run rampant. The Heart is in charge of long-term memory, thinking, intimacy, intelligence, and cognition. Energetic disturbin...

Your Self and Your Health: Yang Fire (Bing) People

Chinese Astrology is rooted in Elemental energies. As we progress through our Chinese Astrology studies, we find out that one’s life is not only about signs, but also about a person’s Self. The Self holds the key to understanding the Self’s ruling meridian, and we can start finding the right tools and advice to improve areas of our health. The previous posts in the series have examined the Wood Selves. The following post focuses on the Bing Self.  (Want to learn more about Bing people? Just follow the link: ) Your health is under the influence of the Small Intestine meridian. The Small Intestine’s primary function to separate the good from the harmful, to assimilate the purified nutrients and shove the waste towards the digestive plain to the Large Intestine. Common symptoms of imbalance in the Small Intestine are bloating, gassiness, constipation, and di...

Your Self and Your Health: Yin Wood (Yi) People

There is a resonating saying: Your health is your wealth. When our constitution is weak, it can disrupt not only our accomplishments but also our quality of life. In a Chinese Astrology consultation, we carefully assess the Five Elements and their strength and balance to establish and understand an individual’s health and introduce ways to improve their well-being. This next post in the series focuses on the Yi Self. (Want to learn more about Yi people? Just follow the link: ) You are under the major influence of the Liver meridian. In Chinese medicine, the Liver stores our blood, regulates our energy levels and supports the nails, eyes, and ligaments. When the Live Qi (energy) stagnates, it can give the impression of a tight chest, unhappiness, crying, menstruation or other hormonal issues and even depression. On the other side of the coin, when the Liver Qi is ...