Chinese Astrology book

Chinese Astrology book - the Finalist of the Soul-Bridge Body-Mind-Spirit Awards (January 2018) Have you ever wondered what the key to true prosperity and happiness is? Do you wake up each morning with that ‘I should be achieving more’ thought sailing through your mind? You’ve done everything possible to change the tides, yet the harsh waves of life still come crashing through. Perhaps there’s one thing you’ve ignored; one thing that has been the secret of countless historical icons including the great emperors of China – Chinese Astrology. For eons now the knowledge of Chinese Astrology and the Ancient Four Pilla rs system, two closely guarded secrets of the ancient world have been the bastion that upheld numerous leaders and their correspondent nations. A Course in Chinese Astrology written by the prolific astrology virtuoso Althea S.T takes you on a privileged walk through the lus...