Twelve Zodiac signs and love

During the course of 2020, the following signs will have good – or mixed - relationship luck:

  • OX

In 2020, if you have Monkey, Dragon, or Ox anywhere in your chart, you might expect good relationship luck.
Since their love luck is improving, Dragons and Monkeys (day of birth) will have more relationship opportunities than other signs (for dating, engagement, or marriage). If you have Dragon or Monkey in your Month Pillar, this will beneficially affect your business relationships, promoting, networking, and bringing in more opportunities to meet helpful people.

When it comes to those who have Ox in their Day Pillar, their relationship luck is mixed and the overall happenings in their private life depend on whether or not they already have relationship issues. If they do, and if their chart shows that their “Partner Star” is clashing or harmed, they might go through conflicts and possible break-ups. On the other hand, many Oxen will enjoy happy times in their relationships and some might consider marriage in 2020.

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