
Showing posts from January, 2019

Chinese Astrology 2019 (5): Solution finders

CHINESE ASTROLOGY 2019: FIND THE LUCK OF YOUR SIGN (5) Solution finding In 2019, the following signs will have increased capacities for finding solutions: HORSE PIG DOG When it comes to those born in the days of Pig, their way of solving issues is closely related to - patience. They do not have anything in particular to do, but just to stay put, until solution appears! Dog’s ways of handling complicated situations are different, and his secret weapons for overcoming obstacles in 2019 come just too showing greater understanding and letting go of holding grudges... Horse’s way in the Pig year is the way of justice; hence, those born in the days of Horse might have several opportunities to fight for the justice or - against injustice and unfair treatment...  • To calculate your Ba Zi chart and read more about your Chinese astrology sign’s luck in the Pig year - and to download free one-page Date Selection calendar for 2019, visit https://altheachi...

Chinese Astrology 2019 (4): Financial management

CHINESE ASTROLOGY 2019: FIND THE LUCK OF YOUR SIGN (4) Financial management In the previous post, we have seen which signs will have a good wealth luck in the Pig year. Now let us see how they will manage their finances, because this also matters: RABBIT - ability to generate savings SNAKE - great expenses MONKEY - financial losses DRAGON - great spender DOG - great giver Of all five signs, Rabbit is the only one who will be able to actually save some money. When it comes to Monkey, he should be careful when it comes to “get-rich-quick” schemes, because he is under the influence of Robbery Sha - which typically brings losses. Hence, gambling is not a good option for Monkey in the Pig year, especially minding that he is also under the influence of harm! Dragon can get in minus because of his generous spending, while Snake might face some unexpected expenses...  • To calculate your Ba Zi chart and read more about your Chinese astrology sign’s luc...

Annual Chinese Astrology consultations

Annual Ba Zi Consultations Every year brings a clean slate – as well as a new set of challenges. For business people , in particular, these  consultations can help you calculate a strategy (up to three years) to help nurture your company and build it up to its full potential. For more personal consultations, you get the opportunity to channel energies into different paths explicitly tailored to your readings on health, love luck and the lessons that the coming year will have in store for you – so you are prepared to face them head on! *To make a booking for Life, Business or Annual Four Pillars Astrology Consultation, please send us an email at:

Chinese Astrology 2019 (3): Wealth luck

CHINESE ASTROLOGY 2019: FIND THE LUCK OF YOUR SIGN (3) Wealth Money is not everything, and it should not be our main goal or the purpose of life. However, money matters and we can use it to make lives easier - not only our own, but also the lives of others. Although the overall wealth luck of each individual is determined on their birth, every single year brings some new opportunities. Accordingly, some annual stars will improve the luck of certain Chinese astrological signs in specific year, helping those born in these sign’s days to improve their finances and obtain specific goals easier... During the course of 2019, the following signs will have a good wealth luck: RABBIT RAT TIGER MONKEY SNAKE GOAT When it comes to Tiger, he will be blessed with great business luck; this will work particularly well for Tiger females and those in predominantly female industries (fashion). While Rabbit’s wealth luck will be great in general, Snake could improve o...

Chinese Astrology 2019 (2): Unstable Luck & Changes

CHINESE ASTROLOGY 2019: FIND THE LUCK OF YOUR SIGN (2) Unstable luck and changes When certain year brings a stable energy to the Chinese sign of your birthday, this is when everything will develop steadily in your life, without greater oscillations. However, there are some other years (the Chinese astrology can clearly point out to these years), when your luck is not going to be very stable and when your patience or faith in yourself might be challenged by numerous changes... Once you know that changes are on their way to you, you can wait for them to shake you, or you can opt for a more proactive way of handling them. If you just wait for the changes to find you, then there is not much that can be done once they arrive ... except to adjust. However, there is always the second way - to initiate changes. Once you learn that changes are coming, you might take a time to think through possible options in advance. For example, you can consider changing the lifestyle, tra...
CHINESE ASTROLOGY 2019: FIND THE LUCK OF YOUR SIGN (8) Knowledge, talents and education At certain times in life, acquiring a new knowledge or grasping an essence of numerous life lessons might appear light and effortless. Some other times, we will have to put a greater effort into improving our knowledge - or getting a better understanding of the subject. Even showing our capabilities is sometimes very easy, while the other times it may require a very hard work... In 2019, the the following signs will do better with academics and art: ROOSTER GOAT TIGER OX DOG When it comes to Rooster, 2019 will challenge him to improve his knowledge and/or learn some new skills. He will be also more able to recognize opportunities and make use of them... Goat will be more creative, and for those born in Goat days and/or months, the Pig year is the right time to show their abilities. Tiger can employ his skills to move and/or expand the business, while Dog might...

Chinese Astrology 2019 (1): The Winners

CHINESE ASTROLOGY 2019: FIND THE LUCK OF YOUR SIGN (1) The Winners Each year brings different energies, which affect every Chinese Zodiac sign in distinctive ways. When there is a concentration of good stars in certain sign, this brings smooth development and more opportunities to all those who were born in that sign’s day... In 2019, the best of luck goes to the following signs: RABBIT HORSE RAT TIGER MONKEY If you were born in the days of Rabbit, Rat, Tiger, Monkey or Horse, then your luck will be good in 2019. In addition, if your Ba Zi chart also shows one of these signs in other three pillars - then the overall development in the Pig year will be more favorable for you. In addition, if your Ba Zi chart contains all four of these five Zodiac signs, then you do not have to be worried about your luck in 2019! Note: In order to get the most out of these Chinese astrology posts, you have to calculate your Ba Zi chart and find the Zodiac sign ...

Chinese astrology Case Studies: What it takes to become the Terminator (part 1)


Chinese Astrology 2019 intro article


The Pig year of 2019

2019 Pig year Starts:   February 4, 2019 Ends: February 3, 2020 Main Element: Water Frame: Wood Combines with: Tiger, Rabbit and Goat Harms: Monkey Clashes with: Snake Punishes: Pig Destruction with: Tiger Nobleman year for: Bing and Ding people Sky Horse year for: Snake, Rooster and Ox -------------------- Each year is ruled by one Branch, also known as the Chinese Astrology sign (Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig, Rat and Ox). The twelve Branches differ mutually, and they have specific relationships (read more in other posts - or in my Chinese Astrology book ). Just as it occurs in life, some Branches love one another’s company; while others can appear to be hostile, hurtful or damaging to a lesser or larger extent. For you as a Rabbit, the Pig year brings Combination , so you may experience better people and relationship luck. The same is true for Goats an...